Service Details

Amazon Easy Store

Amazon Easy is an India First initiative which enables entrepreneurs to offer online shopping assistance to new-to-ecommerce audiences. Shopping assistance provided by store owners establishes a sense of trust and helps lakhs of customers take their first steps into e-commerce

How Does AMAZON STORE Works?

These stores help customers, who are still not fully onboarded into the digital bandwagon, to place orders on Amazon’s online marketplace with guided assistance from the store staff. To ease the online shopping experiences of customers who are not digitally very savvy, the Easy Store format allows them to place orders on Amazon’s online marketplace with guided assistance from the store staff. These stores also allow customers to pick up their orders directly from the store or get them delivered to their doorsteps.


You will require the following to start your own Amazon Easy Store:

  • No additional place/space required. The agent can work from his/her existing place/shop
  • Aadhaar Number
  • PC / Laptop with Printer and Internet connectivity

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